Monday.Com: The New Way To Run Your Business

The average small business owner spends a lot of their time managing their project management system. It’s not uncommon to spend hours on it each week, adding new information and trying to keep up with all the different tasks. But is this really necessary? When Alpha Media Group started using, we saw a huge […]

How to Get Local Backlinks for SEO

If you want to improve your search engine optimization (SEO), then you need backlinks. Backlinks are links from another website to yours, and they can help drive relevant referral traffic to your website and boost the domain’s authority in the eyes of search engines. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can get local […]

How To Clean Out Your Office

It’s a well-known fact that clutter can make an office space seem hectic and disorganized. Business and commercial building owners looking for ways to clean out their offices can learn different ways to clean out their offices in this blog! We’ll discuss how to clear off desks, get rid of any papers or items they […]

Tips For a Successful Yard Sale

For many, the next best opportunity to make some extra cash is by holding a yard sale. This can be an easy way to get rid of old items that are taking up space in the home and making money simultaneously! But before a homeowner decides to hold one, there are several things they should […]

6 Key Things to Look For In Your Next Apartment

Apartment hunting can be a daunting task. This is because there are so many factors to consider before you sign the lease. This blog post will help you narrow your search by providing six things to look for in your next apartment! 1. Find out how many units are available The number of units available […]

How To Take Care of Your Rental Property

Many responsibilities come with being a landlord, but there is one thing in particular that you should always keep your eye on your rental property. It’s up to you to make sure everything inside and outside of the property is well-maintained so you can avoid any problems down the road. Here are seven steps for […]