5 Fall Cleaning Tips For Organizing Your Home

We have all heard of spring cleaning, but what about fall cleaning? Okay, we may have just made up “fall cleaning”, but it is the perfect time to get your home in order! For many people, getting ready for the fall season becomes difficult because kids go back to school, work gets busier since less people are out enjoying the weather, and the holidays are right around the corner. Fall cleaning may feel impossible, but it is necessary when you have holidays sneaking up.

Here are some tips to follow in fall cleaning to start a fresh start:

Deep Cleaning

The kids are back in school, so this is the perfect time to get as much cleaning into your day as possible. Do things that you normally wouldn’t be able to do during the summer when it comes to cleaning. Clean those windows and doors that have been open all summer, clean out the melted popsicle stains on your rug, and since the kids are at school, now is the best time to go through everything and organize. Remember the white glove test? Time to get rid of the dust that you think isn’t even there. Remove dust from the furniture, baseboards, blinds curtains and windowsills. Having a vacuum cleaner will help to remove dust from carpets, furniture items, upholstery, and rugs efficiently. In fact, it provides ways to remove the dirt and dust from all dark corners with ease.

Clearing Out Things From Storage Areas

Majority of people buy clothes exclusively for the summer season, and it is now the time to pack them until the next year. If you can, organize your clothing by season, you don’t need to wear shorts in the middle of a snow storm. Put those shorts, swim suits, tank tops, and flip flops away in a storage bin to save space in your closet and keep only the necessities in sight. By doing this, it becomes a simple way to organize things while putting them back. By doing this, you will avoid spending more money each season – which will make your wallet happy!

Removing Unwanted Things From The Garage Area

Now it is time to move to the garage area where you will find many things stored during the summer (including those clothes that we just organized from the previous paragraph). While you are storing away your clothes, take a peek at what you have stored in the garage. You may not need everything you have stored in there, which makes it a good opportunity to donate. If you haven’t used it in a year, you most likely will never use it again. So go ahead and get organized and head to your nearest donation center!

Cleaning Up The Kitchen

Oh, the kitchen! Why is it always the messiest place in the house? Keep checking the expiry dates of your food, and freeze items like meat, bread, and milk to help them last longer to prevent smells and mistaken swigs of old milk.. Also, when your fridge starts getting empty before your next grocery trip, take that opportunity to quickly wipe down the shelving so you can have a fresh space to unload groceries!

Getting Rid Of Junk Items

A homeowner should know how to get rid of junk items after collecting them from closets and other storage spaces. Getting help from a professional junk removal firm gives ways to remove unwanted items without any difficulties.

We promise, organizing is a marathon – not a sprint. Start small and your home will become cleaner than you could imagine! Call us today if you want our help getting your house back to feeling like home.

Rainier Junk Removal is a leading company in Washington State that offers services for all properties, reach out to us for your junk removal needs (253) 499-5750. Or visit our website www.RainierJunkRemoval.com for more details!

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